Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Facebook...Children...and MY THOUGHTS!

I just happened to be browsing Facebook today and saw that someone I was friends with became friends with a little girl that used to go to Ann Pitts, the daycare I worked at while in high school, and a good bit of college. I was absolutely appalled. This child could possibly be 8 years old! I then proceded to take a gander at this little girl's facebook page to not only see that it was not private, but I could see all of her photos, her friends' (whom also went to the daycare) profiles and photos, etc.

I guess it is hard for me to take in because when Facebook first came out, I was a freshman in college. You were only allowed to join facebook if you went to a university. You couldn't even join if you went to a technical college. They then began allowing technical college students to join, with high school student not long after that! Now, as we all now, ANYONE can join! Even at the age of 25 - although with my new haircut I have been told I look 15 again - I still get "creepo" friend requests! Just thought I'd share that it really erks me that children this young are allowed by their parents to join such a massive social networking site!

Much Love <3>

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